100% water change?


New member
Mar 12, 2011
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United Kingdom
I have 3 baby axolotls, they are inside medium sized plastic boxs (like a sandwich box) each has a real plant inside. I feed them daily and remove their waste with a pipette.

I have been doing 100% water changes every 2 to 3 days, is this OK or should i leave some of the water there?

when they are old enough i will be moving them into a big tank and i suppose i will only be doing 20% water changes and will have the tank cycled
That sounds about right. I usually ended up doing about 80% water changes every other day, just because of the method I used to change the water.

Good luck with the babies :)
Also i have been putting a few drop of amo lock in there too, hope that is OK (ammonia detoxifyer)
It's not necessary. The whole point of doing water changes is to remove the ammonia. All you need to use is a simple dechlorinator.
I mean to say i put ammo lock in about a day later just to convert any ammonia build up to less harmful substance, but maybe you are right to not bother since i'm frequently changing the water.
instead of using a drop ammo lock the next day, you can do a partial water change. It might be enough when you remove the waste and some water with a pipette and fill up the removed water.
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