1 finally hatched!!! now whens the rest going to?


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Sep 19, 2009
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Hi everyone,

about a month ago i put my two axolotls(both speckled black, up close ones a shade of green and the other a purle/blue, 20-22cm) in a small temporary plastic tank while cleaning the big one, anyways i got a little slack and 4 days later i still hadn't cleaned there home tank which they have occupied for the previous 5 months.

I found about 40-50 eggs in the plastic tank which i removed, unfortunately there was no development and half the eggs went bad so I got rid of them.
another week later I have eggs again approx 150.Guessing off the top of my head i have now around 40 all at different development stages.they are 2 weeks- 3days old, 1 hatched yesturday and i can see a few are due soon as well.

I have plenty of live food prepared including, newly hatched brine shrimp, brine shrimp, daphnia young and adults, micro worms, vinegar eels, white worms and blackworms which i have started culturing now myself.
My plan is to start feeding on bbs (as i have too many anyway), daphnia and although im unsure about it the vinager eels. Any help on when i what food to introduce next would be great!

Im a bit concerned an the hatching times, when should i brake the eggs open myself?
and im also curious if i'll get any other colour than black, some af the larvae are a light shade with dark speckles. (sorry i have no pics my camera isn't good enough)
Any other advice would be very much appretiated!

Cheers, Nina
Nina, let nature take its course. They will hatch when they're ready. You seem very prepared with food which is great. Im going through the same deal. Grinade and Goldie gave birth a few weeks ago and the eggs hatched at varying rates. It took about a week for all to hatch. Slowly and carefully I removed every empty sac as it is prone to fugus and fouls the water.

Now, where did you get the daphnia? Im having trouble getting more BBS as my supplier has run dry. Many aquariums dont sell it and certainly no one sells daphnia.

home from work and still only one hatchling, I will be patient but.
Thanks MA for your info, I found my Daphnia at a local pet shop, the owner breeds fish and also has axolotl eggs and he keeps a nice variety of small live food.

You can catch Daphnia yourself from any freshwater pond with a brineshrimp net, make sure there are ducks cause the daphnia thrive on there feacies. The Daphnia obviously are'nt safe straight away they can cary diseases and infections that can harm your axolotl. I Have read that culturing them yourself with regular water changes over a month or 2 makes them safe, but Im not sure of this, correct me if i'm wrong. There may be quicker methods too.

Hopefully I have no problems with the little buggers, I'm a first time mum to axie eggs and im so exited I cant wait. :p
Good luck with your little fella's MA, hope to hear how they turn out
odd one out, is that normal?

i've had a few early hatchers that didn't make it, but so far I have 4 amazing little axies and plenty to come. It was so much fun feeding them; watching them move about filling there tummies. At the moment I have them all together which makes feeding for the first week or 2 easier, my plan is that when they hit 19-20mm i will start seperating them. I forget to mention I have twins (they hav'nt hatched yet), Is this common? and i also had some triplets too but unfortunately they didn't make it.

Cant wait to see them grow, I know its too early to tell what paterns they have, but as the parents are both black speckled (I dont know what type they are) I was assuming there babies would all come out the same colouring. The axie larvae are all dark from head to tail with black speckles but there is one unique looking one which seems to be like a white see through colour with black speckles only running in a thin line along the top of his tail and a little on his head. Does anyone know if there is a chance of any other colours?
Hi Nina
Congratulations on your babies!!

Nice to hear they are eating well.

I'm sure there is a change of getting a few different coloured ones.

Cant wait to see pictures!

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