Marmoratus Breeding Project

Look at this, the leaves look suspiciously folded.

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That is what I am hoping! It is hard to find healthy captive bred animals her in Canada so I usually just try to get 2-3 animals (with a m and f) and try to grow the colony from there. I noticed that as soon as their rear legs start to develop it is a free for all. Then a couple suspiciously grow 5x faster lol
Look at this, the leaves look suspiciously folded.

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I just built this tank and used some plants from my crested tank that were covered in duds. I wish it was done at the hands (legs) of my marms. I'm not sure if it's too late now/ definitely not happening but I am getting that feeling.

What is the latest anyone has gotten triturus eggs? (If anyone even sees this lol)


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A few pics of the bigger ones. They seem to grow considerably slower than the carnifex. Only have about 8-10 of these, hopefully a couple will make it. These ones should be in the clear / out of their more delicate stage but I am worried about the smaller ones still.


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I have about 8 larvae remaining, one of them seems to have helped itself to some of its siblings. As such it's much bigger and has started to develop color.


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The color seems to be coming in quick on the biggest 2 or 3, the rest still have a week or two it seems.


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Finally got some eggs! A lot of them were infertile, it is my females' first time laying/ she is only 1 year old so that may have been why. It is also pretty late in the season from what I understand. This is my first time raising larvae from breeding so I am not sure what the standard time of year is yet.

I gave some of the eggs to the guy I had traded my female with/ who gave me some eggs a few months ago. I have about 12-15 larvae from them. It is nice to have found someone local I was able to trade with, it is very difficult finding newt species in Canada aside from firebellies and Spanish ribbed.

I noticed some swimming in the tank after I had given up looking, which was kind of similar to what happened with the carnifex. I noticed the carnifex seem to eat A LOT more than the marms and as such have grown much larger and faster. I am hopeful next year she will produce a full clutch / that more of them will be viable.

I hoping most of them will morph, I started with a group of 3 females, now have 2 female, 1 male and 1 that is too young to tell. Hoping to add some of these to the group for next year if all goes well.

The original ones I had gotten from the person I traded with are starting to morph and fill in their color. It has been exciting to watch them develop their signature orange and green.


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Congrats on the eggs at last!
It's very common to loose up to 50% of marm clutches, it's a genetic fault that most if not all of of the Triturus species have.
I think it was more than that. The first maybe 30-40 eggs were duds. She is still young/is about a year old though so I am glad she popped as it was. I am also fortunate to have had a few to 'practise' on so for next year hopefully when the heard comes I will be prepared. They seem a lot more delicate/slow growing than the carnifex, but once they get going they seem to do well!
A few have left the water but have been returning to it to eat. They have the option of taking to land, but they seem to prefer the water, for now at least. I am hoping to raise them aquatic as I had raise doubts my previous marms terrestrially. I still give them the choice in the end, I just try to encourage a life at sea.


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Been a few months since the last update. All the little ones have left the water. It was my first year so I wasn’t getting as many as I had hoped, but still ended up with a good amount to fill out the colony (started with a male and two female).

The babies are growing fast and eating well! They like to explore for crickets and other things I throw in for them like wax worm or earth worms chunks.

Starting to get ready for round 2 in a few months!


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Getting ready for round two, I guess I will just continue here since I enjoy reading those types of threads the most personally(where you can see the development over years with a few clicks!)

From last season’s babies I had 10 survivors. I decided to keep them because they are extremely hard to find here, especially in good health. I like to have a group of 10-12 animals to allow room for any accidents or casualties, so I was a little worried starting off with only 3. I unfortunately lost the male/father to a fungal infection about a month ago so I am a little extra paranoid perhaps with the import ban currently in effect here. I was about to get a last minute male from a friend who I had traded with last year, so I am hoping to be able to raise a few more to newthood this year if courting is successful, we shall see!

The babies have an ever growing appetite which has helped them fill in quite a bit. Their home is seeded with pinheads, springtails, dwarf white isopods and they also get some earth and waxwork chunks from time to time. Marms are one of the few species that I would say are as easy to raise terrestrially as aquatic (possibly more so depending who you ask).


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This has been a great thread to go through, loved to see the enclosures and the new offspring :D

Best wishes!
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