The adventures of Nubbins and friends


New member
Apr 12, 2016
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United States

Hi my name is Nubbins im a young gfp albino and this is my story!
I dont remember much of my life, but we can start with what I do!! First memories of mine are dark....literally I was in a storage bin of dark brown water with my siblings....I couldnt see anything but we were hungry and as a result I lost all my legs, and my gills were gone. I was soon alone as everyone else was least I think I think I was alone...the water was such a dark brown I cant really tell you....anyways, my human came into the store that had me and was looking around for a bigger tank for her current axolotl..un impressed by their selection she almost left before asking about their axolotls for sale sign....she found my brown tub of water and asked if there was anything in it, the store lady said she thinks there was one more and they fished and fished around for me with a net, I didnt struggle or fight it because I couldnt see and was exhausted. My human didnt expect to buy me that day... she was only supposed to have her one...but she took me anyways...luckily I wasnt sick with any illness because she put me in the tank with her other axolotl as soon as we got home not knowing any better. Thats when I met Falcor who was kinda grumpy about me being there, I dont blame her...we were now sharing a small but clean 10 gallon human had been searching for a larger one and hadn't found one yet....

That was almost 3 months ago, we've had some trial and error....Falcor and I now share a 65 gallon home...we have a new little sibling thats to small to be house with us...lets just say.....He earned his name Noodle because Falcor slurped him up body, tail and whole like a noodle and our human dove into the tank to save him and learned a valuable lesson about grumpy Falcor...ok and maybe how we should be seperated by size.....

I think human has a soft spot for me because of my situation so she loves to show me off and how fabulous I look so I suppose this thread will be the place she shows me and my friends off in....oh and we have another friend on the way this week!! Ill be sure to update when they get here!!

For now I hope you enjoyed my story!

For clarity..
Nubbins (Albino)
Falcor(Wild Type)
Mystery friend coming soon....


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Hi Nubbins,
That's quite a moving story. Although you've had an unpleasant start, now that you have settled into your new home I'm sure that you will have a much happier future.
I look forward to hearing more about you and your friends, and seeing lots of photos as your human shows you off to all of us here on the forum. xxx
Oh my actual lordy... That pet shop sounds awful. So glad you managed to get to your little guy before he tragically died due to their abysmal care!!

Your babies look beautiful! I'll be following this thread - I can't wait to see the pictures and hear all about their development/lives!

It's so awful to hear about pet shops not caring for their livestock properly, but it's always lovely to hear about the lucky one's who've been saved.
Are the fish in there food for your axolotls?

Sad to hear about what happened at the pet shop. Is that why his gills aren't very bushy?
Yes and yes! Gills are making a come back!! And the guppies are feeders!

I also had a water issue when someone changed my tank water for me and what hills had grown back burnt off and had to start all over, I'll post updates of his gills soon they're already bushier than these photos
Here's a pic of him right now after eating a worm


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He's absolutely adorable. An absolute little gem :)

I can't wait for my two to grow as big as yours!
Three inches.. How big are Falcor & Nubbins?
Noodles is absolutely adorable.
Can't wait to hear all about your new little one arriving this week.
So exciting! :D
So new friend was supposed to arrive this week and his breeder had a family emergency, we wont be getting him until next week now but she will also be sending another free of charge with him :D
So still waiting on the new babies! They were shipped out this morning!

In the mean time! I made before and afters of Falcor and Nubbins, havent had Noodle long enough to do one of him.

Bottom pic on Falcors is from February, bottom on Nubbins is from January.
Both middle photos are from May
And both top photos are from today!

The differences health wise between the photos! Falcor I got and new nothing about her! Didnt know the existed until that day, she was put in my deceased bettas 5 gallon tank with no filter. I fed her small feeder goldfish from petsmart and occasional frozen blood worms.

Shortly after I bought a 10gallon with filter for her, still her diet was the same. I happened upon Nubbins around the same time and had to have him, so he was put in the 10gallon with Falcor..not long after that there was a slight algae issue and was told to get some algae killer....well it almost killed both them so there went both their gills that were already sad to begin with...

End of april/beginning of may I joined a lotl group, bought a 65gallon tank and started doing my homework..They moved into their upgraded home, and I changed their diet to live blood worms, earth worms, pellets and feeder guppies that I got from a breeder and have been breeding myself to keep the supply up without having to purchase them from a store.

Just the difference in the last 30 days is incredible.



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That is a big difference. They now look quite solid and their gills are looking good. :cool:

Congratulations. :D

The Mel will be called Squid!
The albino will be called Newt :]



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Noodles is in denial that hes starting to outgrow his bottle


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Ah, bless him, that's so cute, and he's growing so well. :happy:
Nubbins and Falcors tank after a deep cleaning and water change!

And a awesome picture I got of Noodle!


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Great pictures.
There is something quite satisfying about a tank after a deep clean and water change. :happy:
That is a fantastic tank, so much room for them to wander around, lots of hides, leaves to sit on etc. Coming from the mucky tank in the pet store to that, it must be like a whole new world for Nubbins.
Noodle looks so cute. :happy:
Thanks Donna!! I like to think he's quite happy now a days!! I can't wait until Noodle is big enough to join them in the big kids tank!
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