Ambystoma maculatum Terrarium Build


New member
Jan 29, 2014
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United States
Hello everyone, I'm new to I've never kept newts or salamanders before, and I decided to jump right in with local Spotted Salamanders, Ambystoma maculatum. I'm doing something that (I think is) kind of different with the terrarium, so I wanted to share it. The terrarium will be fully terrestrial.

Spotted salamanders, as you people probably know, are quite secretive and like to burrow, so you may not see them often. I had an idea to fix this by pre-making a burrow that was up against the glass of the terrarium so you could see it. I decided to use cardboard, which would eventually disintegrate into the soil.

I'm using a 10 gallon Grreat Choice Aquarium (yes, 2 R's), which was only $13.99 at PetSmart. I put down a 1 1/2 inch layer of organic topsoil. On top of that, I placed the walls of the tunnels. You can see that stage in the first image.

After that, I put the roofs on the tunnel walls. I was worried the tunnels might cave, so I used 3 layers of cardboard and also reinforced the walls, everything held together by Scotch tape. That stage in is the second image. I also sealed all of the gaps in between with tape (not shown in the image).

After that, I piled on dirt to make a hill. The tunnels didn't collapse, which was good. I shaped it into roughly the shape I want. That's shown in the third image.

I plan on putting several types of plants and some wood decorations/hiding spots, as well as a water bowl. I should be updating with that soonish. Again, I'm a newbie, so any tips are greatly appreciated. Thanks!


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Spotted salamanders have almost identical care requirements to Tiger salamanders. You can find some very useful information in the following links:

Caudata Culture Species Entry - Tiger salamander

Caudata Culture Articles - Tiger Salamander 101

It's worth mentioning that whilst the care requirments are the same, Spotted salamanders are generally very shy and secretive compare to Tiger salamanders.

With regards to the setup I'm not sure how long the cardboard will last and I would be wary of using sticky tape in the enclosure. It could stick to skin or worse still tear skin off. I use plastic tubes half full with topsoil. Either standard waste pipes or Koi hose that can be cut to size.
Thanks for the links. As for the tape, I hid most of it away and I doubt it will end up harming the salamander. Also, this is a little off topic, but what kind of light should I use if I want a significant number of plants? I'm keeping the salamander in the basement to keep the tank cool, but it doesn't have any windows. T5 full-spectrum is best for plants, but it could harm the salamander. Low-wattage fluorescent is cheaper and safer, but it might not be enough for the plants. Any advice?
Cardboard will collapse after a few weeks at the most. As for lighting, between 4000 and 6000 Kelvin is optimal for plants, but compact fluorescents work just fine.
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