Several months ago, I constructed a little "sanctuary" for subterranean animals because the rest of my backyard was starting to desiccate and I wanted a way for the other animals (particularly salamanders
) to flourish in an area I could somewhat manage and observe. Basically I dug a little pit, added some leaves and other humus, covered it with a HEAVY slab of rock, and introduced worms, slugs, a couple salamanders, etc. Today I decided to lift the slab (very carefully, mind you) and the first thing I saw was one of the largest, healthiest slender salamanders scrambling for a place to hide. I kept looking under the leaves I added trying to cause as little damage as possible and found even more really healthy looking salamanders. In all I found about 3-5 and one or two juveniles. It really made my day. Here are the pics, sorry for the awkward blurs. My GoPro doesn't have a zoom button and I kinda don't know how to make it focus properly lol.