Swarley's Growth!


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Apr 19, 2010
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West Virginia
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He has grown almost two inches in the last week and a half :eek:
He's a quarter inch bigger today than he was on Monday!! He's still as adorable as ever though. These are pictures of him with his new rock that I got on Sunday. He likes to sit on top of rocks, and he outgrew all my original rocks. Every once and a while, I catch him perched on them lol.

The first picture is a picture of the thing he does when I walk up to the tank. It's so cute.


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Aw :happy: Love Swarley's colouring - so bright!
Your rocks look cool as well, is the big one he's sitting on green? Looks kinda crystal-ish? Nice interesting shapes and colours, makes my slate look boring hehe.
Thanks! I can't believe how lucky I was to get him/her. He's real sweet besides his new game of "I'm going to hunt your hand while you clean and/or feed me."

It comes out very green in my pictures for some reason, but it's actually has a lot more blue in it than green.

Don't feel bad about slate; that might be what I do in my new/future tank! I go back and forth between that and sand. I love my rocks though. I pick them up randomly. You could try Michael's or other art stores. For some reason, they have a lot of river rocks there. I picked up my blue/green rock at a Pet Land. If I get slate, I'm going to put my rocks on it still, so you could definitely pick up some neat rocks for your tank!
That name wouldn't be from HIMYM would it? Love it! :D
Haha definitely is! I even have a storm trooper in his tank, which he loves.
Haha, Swarley is a little dude!
Such a lovely colored axie. One of my wishes is to get a gold axie THAT gold and shiny. :D Looks great.
And yeah, they grow faster than we sometimes think :D
My leucistic grew like... 2 cm in a week...¿ Pretty scary somehow but yet very cute.
I was really lucky that I even got him, let alone what a pretty color that he is. A local pet store in my area kept saying they were going to contact a supplier for me in hopes that I wouldn't have to pay shipping, but the person he needed to contact was on vacation for a while. When whoever it was came back, they didn't have any. As soon as I found out, I started on the forum in hopes that someone still had babies, and only one person did. Swarley is one of Brian Pruitt's baby axies from back in July. He's been great keeping, and I definitely love his coloring.

He's hit about seven inches now :eek:. I had to leave him with my parents for two weeks, and he's so much bigger than when I last saw him! I swear that my boyfriend is right, that Swarley is going to get to record breaking sizes just because that's my luck! I technically shouldn't have him in my dorm because the rule specifically states fish to keep people from having terrestrial animals in aquariums like snakes and lizards, but I'm keeping him anyway because he'll never go on land so why should he be against the rule?


For reference, he's currently in a ten gallon with a depth on 10 inches. And also, I'm sorry for his mess in the log. He's made it since I cleaned earlier and I just noticed it.
Swarley looks amazing and super happy! I'm so glad to see the little guy looking so great...I'm Brian's girl by the way. I love seeing you post new pictures of the little guy it makes me smile to see updates of his growth. We couldn't be happier he got such a great home!! :D
I'm so glad that you approve! I couldn't be happier that I bought from you. Swarley has so much personality and is so beautiful. I've enjoyed looking at the pictures that Brian put up recently of Swarley's brothers and sisters that you kept as well.
I was talking about Swarley and his dorm room to my mates in a cafe this afternoon ^_^
Oh and the gills look awesome too :D
Swarley's famous! :D lol

I can't believe how long his gills are, and he definitely shows them off. When people come up to the tank, he moves them back and forth to show off.
Swarley's famous! :D lol

I can't believe how long his gills are, and he definitely shows them off. When people come up to the tank, he moves them back and forth to show off.

That´s just to inhale oxigen :D but nice axolotl. Thet tanks looks empty and small, but maybe its ok for 1 axolotl?
It's a US 10 gallon, which is the smallest size recommended for one axolotl. I fully intend to upgrade in a few months though. It wasn't so bare when I had plants in there, but they died. I think there isn't enough light in my room at home for them because they were fine at the dorm before I brought the whole setup back. I got him a new plant that I'm quarantining right now and a few plastic ones. He swims a lot, so I don't want to clutter him too much.
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