Eddie & Elektra lay eggs!

Dawn I started mine on cut blackworms they are little pigs. There eating whole blackworms now!!

I'm going to start mine on a mix of blackworms and minced earthworms. They are so huge! This is one from the parents' tank (I missed a few eggs and there are about 6 larvae in there with them. Or were, since I moved Eddie and Elektra back out into a separate tank and back upstairs so I can see them all the time. Their pattern is/will be to live in the basement in the summer and the upstairs in the cooler seasons where I can gaze upon them hourly.)
And without further ado, meet Hektor:


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AW: Eddie & Elektra lay eggs!

Hector sure looks nice for a Himalayan Crocnewt larva. :D
Morphing Day

I didn't think they'd be morphing until after the new year at least! Never a dull moment around here. There were three this morning, and every time I check on them there's another hauled on their ramp, like it's waiting its turn to be airlifted out to the morphling tank (talk about setting a tank up in a hurry!). I think there's six now.

Aren't they AMAZING!


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congratulations, if i worked it out correctly, it took approx 80-90 days. My ones are currently at day 70, and are still very small, how often should they be fed? I feed daily at present, (frozen blood worms)

All the best with your tylos :D
I think this is my favorite thread on the forums! They're such adorable newtlings :eek:
Revan: I feed mine daily with blackworms (actually, 6 days a week, I take a day off when I work a double). But I've been mixing the blackworms with minced earthworm for the last couple weeks because they're eating so much. I was also hoping it would help transition them to earthworms. They can't eat black gold forever. They eat the earthworms too. I'm not quite sure how I'll go on now with the morphs, I put blackworms in with them but I hope they'll take minced earthworms. Any advice on how to feed so many morphs would be appreciated!!

And thanks, slowfoot!
Dawn, thanks for updating with such exciting news! They certainly look beautiful...must be exciting to have the pitter-patter of little elektrons in the house!;)
Revan: I feed mine daily with blackworms (actually, 6 days a week, I take a day off when I work a double). But I've been mixing the blackworms with minced earthworm for the last month because they're eating so much. I was also hoping it would help transition them to earthworms. They can't eat black gold forever. They eat the earthworms too. I'm not quite sure how I'll go on now with the morphs, I put blackworms in with them but I hope they'll take minced earthworms. Any advice on how to feed so many morphs would be appreciated!!

And thanks, slowfoot!
aww, thanks for the reply, i feed mine daily, it takes me about an hour to do so (prong feeding) I have about 20 larvae, I have felt like leaving the frozen bloodworms in with them, however i fear this would promote a flurry of canobolisitic behavour. May I ask how many larvae you lost to bloating? (couldn't give you the correct term) I've currenlty lost 2, and 2 more seem to be going down the same path.

Unfortunately I can't answer your questions, mainly because i'm a newbie :O
I can't say I've noticed any bloating or significant larvae deaths. I think I've only seen one or two dead larvae out of them all, and judging by their numbers, most all of them have survived so far.

p.s. sorry for yours.
Wow that's very impressive! I've lost a fair few, I'll try and get a picture up to show you the bloat , i took a good one before the little dude passed onto newt heaven.
unfortunately i couldn't find the pic, but here's a another interesting one


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So it happened as a larva, and not post-morph?

Yea the larva was only approx 30-40 days of age. They swell up, I will try and take some pictures of this tomorrow, I'm actually surprised you haven't witnessed it, I've reads its fairly common. Probably only common to the inexperienced.:(
To prevent this, primarily you have to feed the larvae more often. Lowering the temperature will help, as will ensuring water quality. If you have a larva with this problem, the easiest way to fix it is to take the larva out and put it in a tiny container, together with a bunch of Daphnia it can swallow. The larva will be able to catch the Daphnia if it's in a tiny container with a tiny amount of water. Eating well seems to help clear most sufferers of this problem. Obviously the sooner this is dealt with the better.
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Thanks for the advice John, i'll take you up on that, this larva is doing fine now. The bubble passed fairly quickly. I just thought it was an interesting picture.
Baby emerges from the primordial soup...

onto the landing platform


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Here's a picture of one of my bigger larvae taken today, any rough ideas (on comparison to your ones) when this guy will be looking at metamorphosis. She/he is approximately 82 days old today.

The coin is a British 2 pence piece. 26mm in size.


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What temperature are they kept at, Revan? They should be at around 23 C (in my experience), and lower temperatures can result in symptoms similar to those you have described, as do overly high temps (as John has commented). Try feeding them on small/chopped earthworm to boost growth.

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