There is a long story behind this guy. He was found in the wild in a person's pond. The owners had the pond completely redone so the habitat was completely destroyed. On top of that we were going into winter in the Pacific northwest. He was malnourished and was stuck in an aquatic juvinial state. I took him from somebody who abandoned him. Just been feeding him blood worms to keep him going. I Want to return him to the wild however I need to be sure he can handle that. Until then all I know is he's probably wild to western washington but could be invaisive. He's much happier now =)
Glad you saved him I think it would be best not to release him, if he happened to pick up any diseases or parasites while in captivity he could spread them to wild populations causing declines. They are a native species. Also, is he fully aquatic? They usually go terrestrial after morphing.
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