Illness/Sickness: Sick Axolotl

Feel a bit silly now :)
He is still not eatting and I'm worried about this as he is really skinny x should I keep in the fridge till his tail heals fully or should I put him in a small tank on his own tillit heals.

Hi I put him is a small tank in the house as he was not eatting but last night he patches of skin missing but with no fungi (I'll attatch a photo) is this just his skin peeling?
I put him back in the fridge, he looks the same this morning.
On the plus side he has eatten his 1st wiggly worm :) I feel a bit better knowing that he has eatten something (pic attatched).


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Hi Lids,

Sorry for delay in replying having a bad week with lots going on!

Anyway I would say from the looks of it that this is probably where your plec attached itself to your axie and yes probably the skin that has been sucked is starting to peel away!

Keep your axie in the fridge in clean cold water for a little longer and keep an eye on the peeling to make sure there is no fungus growing etc!

great news about the worm, keep trying to feed those daily to your axie and a few at a time as he really does need more food! :happy:

He needs the good wormy energy to help him heal. Be meticulous with his water, he has an open wound and if you can keep him cool, calm, well fed and in great conditions you are doing the best to help him heal.

Fingers and toes crossed for the little dude.
Zoe no problem for the late reply - I understand wot its like to be busy :) Thanks for your support:) Mewsie that's for your support 2 :)

I'll keep feeding him wiggly worms 2 try and fatten him up :) he just seemed to get really skinny really quickly. he def likes wiggly worms he has just eatten three little ones. My garden does not seem to have any fat worm :( I'm going to have to look for somewhere that sells worm :)
How many worms do u normally feed your axolotl's and how oftern?
I'll keep u updated on how he is, he looks the same tonight no better or worse. Going to do a water change now.

Thanks again for your support
Zoe no problem for the late reply - I understand wot its like to be busy :) Thanks for your support:) Mewsie that's for your support 2 :)

I'll keep feeding him wiggly worms 2 try and fatten him up :) he just seemed to get really skinny really quickly. he def likes wiggly worms he has just eatten three little ones. My garden does not seem to have any fat worm :( I'm going to have to look for somewhere that sells worm :)
How many worms do u normally feed your axolotl's and how oftern?
I'll keep u updated on how he is, he looks the same tonight no better or worse. Going to do a water change now.

Thanks again for your support
, my

Thanks will be glad when this week is over lol!

Pleasure re support thats what we are here for :)

Really is great he is eating especially as he is fridged aswell! Some axies dont eat in there, my piggies always have done lol!!!

Ebay sell worms or worms direct, sure if you dig deep enough you will find one.

Depending on size, my guys are over 8 inches so I tend to feed them about 4 big worms each twice a week but as your guy is so skinny I would try and feed at least a worm a day to fatten him up!

Keep up the good work :happy:
I'll have a look on line. I'm looking at wormery's as we speak :happy:

Oh I forgot to say his tail is healing lovely :happy:
Hi another question, if the worms r big do u cut them up? And when u r feeding them worms when your axolotls poo what does it look like as in axi's water there r wot look like 1/2 digested worms. I'm not sure which end the worms have come out of?
I've only been feeding him little worms so far.

If they still resemble a worm in some way, I suspect they've come back up the way they went in. Poop tends to look like what you'd expect of a poop.

The worms might have been too big, or axie ate too much, I've had this happen a couple of times. Also, I suspect that if the worms have a horrible taste sometimes they spit them back out.

Yup - you can chop up worms that are too big, grim job, but probably better if your axie isn't up to a whole one.
Thanks :happy: Yeh i later saw some coming up, he ate quite a bit the other day. I was reading that it sometimes happen when their metobolic rate has been slowed down as well.

I found a big jucy worm for him but i'll chop it up 2morrow for him x OOOH can't wait :happy:

I think he is looking a bit fatter now I'll keep on feeding him.
I think he is on the mend, he still has his sores on his side but when we are doing his daily water change he is becoming more and more active and he does not want picking up x :happy:
I think he is on the mend, he still has his sores on his side but when we are doing his daily water change he is becoming more and more active and he does not want picking up x :happy:

Thats great to hear he's on the mend!

For the record, axies never want picking up :) They can absorb so much through their delicate skin that we could harm them with stuff we touch and get on our hands during the day. There is even risks involved with soaps etc, so try and touch him as little as possible :)

Hope he's back to 100% very soon x
great news keep up the good work :)
Thanks :happy:
I only handle him when doing the daily water change, when he first went in the fridge he did not seem to mind getting handled but since his tail has healed and he's started eatting he runs away from my hand :D I think its a sign that he is feeling better.

Going to try him with some more wiggly worm 2 morrow 2 keep him strong :happy: Ive bn giving him blood worm for few days as he seemed to go off the wiggly worms as e did not seem 2 b digesting them properly.

I'll update u again soon x
Hi all - axi is still in the fridge, he has not eatten any more worms :(, he has brought some more up :(. He looks like he's had a bit of blood worm, Axi is still wiggling loads when I'm doing his water change.
His skin on the side of him where he had his sores has gone all white and flaky and underneath his skin looks transparent in places but all of the pink that was there orginally has gone is this normal or am I doing something wrong :confused:
There does not appear to be any sign of Fungi.


Heh Lids

Ok when was the last time he ate and can you post piccies of his current state??
I think he has eatten a little tiny bit of blood worm 2 night before I did the water change and before that he ate a little bit of blood worm 2 days ago but after that he brought up what was left of the wiggly worms after I did the water change. The last time he ate a wiggly worm was about one week ago.
I can't post any pic till tomorrow as the lighting is too poor to clearly show what he is looking like clearly.


I think he has eatten a little tiny bit of blood worm 2 night before I did the water change and before that he ate a little bit of blood worm 2 days ago but after that he brought up what was left of the wiggly worms after I did the water change. The last time he ate a wiggly worm was about one week ago.
I can't post any pic till tomorrow as the lighting is too poor to clearly show what he is looking like clearly.



Keep trying with earth worms if anything is going to get him to eat it will be an earthworm!! make sure they are not too big aswell and dont lose heart you are doing a great job!!

If you can post a pic tomorrow that would be great :happy: Will do my best to help x
Thanks :happy: I really hope he is going to be alright. Pinky looks like she is missing her friend, shes bn off her food a bit 2 :(
I 've just sent away for two floating bogwood ledges for his tank as both he and Pinky love swiming around the tank, so he will not know him self when he get back in there.

Speak tomorrow and thanks again

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