Salt bath Picture Tutorial

Some one correct me if im wrong, but i dont think the fridge should be that cold? I think somewhere around 6-10 degrees is recommended?
Id turn the temp up a few degrees and do the twice daily salt baths asap if its fungus to try and get them better quickly
That is too cold. 5 degrees upwards is what I've read to be recommended. I would do as suggested above with the salt baths too.
I put them in the fridge earlier in the morning today and turn the temperature up to 7c that's the highest it will go. I done a salt bath today then end up putting them back into there tank. Should I leave them in the fridge until there better? Both my axolotls are not eating what's the best food to try and get them to eat when there sick?

The fish shop gave me melafix treating fish diseases to put in the tank ones a day would this work for my axolotls ?
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Do not use melafix, just keep up the salt baths. Don't use any chemicals if you can possibly avoid it, and then check whether it's amphibian safe (there is a checklist on - don't trust a fish shop on chemical safety.

If you are going to fridge your axie keep it fridged. Did you go through the fridging tutorial? The constant changes in temperature is bad for them, you need to keep them at one temperature - either fridged or room temp. When you are ready to put your axies back in the tank after being fidged you need to let them and their tub come to room temp gradually before putting them back in or the sudden change can shock them.

Some axies won't eat when they are fridged as their metabolism slows down, and they may not eat for a day or 2 afterwards. Offer them worms, but don't be surprised if they ignore them.
So I need advice asap as I was doing a water change with my aged backup water which I have in water gallons as I poured on in I suddenly realized in that instant someone had poured cooking grease in it!!!! I freaked out within seconds and scooped out the grease I seen and then scooped my axi I v a separate tank w the same water luckily and got him onto a little shallow tub quite fast. But I am very worried about her now she is not too lively and has expelled all her food I looked in the tub to find yesterday a lunch along with waste in there. Not sure if she threw up lunch or pooped but it has been a day what shall I so I need further precautions
So I need advice asap as I was doing a water change with my aged backup water which I have in water gallons as I poured on in I suddenly realized in that instant someone had poured cooking grease in it!!!! I freaked out within seconds and scooped out the grease I seen and then scooped my axi I v a separate tank w the same water luckily and got him onto a little shallow tub quite fast. But I am very worried about her now she is not too lively and has expelled all her food I looked in the tub to find yesterday a lunch along with waste in there. Not sure if she threw up lunch or pooped but it has been a day what shall I so I need further precautions

If you wouldn't mind posting a new thread in the Sick Axolotl section, just so none of us clog up the salt bath tutorial with unrelated issues. People will find you more easily that way, too.
I just spotted som fungus on one of my axies, it's only a little and along both sides of her body. But i think i spotted it early, i've bought aquarium salt and start doing baths tomorrow(got home so late tonight) but how many days should i do it?
I mean when do i know it's gone? When it' fallen off?
Cause you recommend doing it a couple of days extra to be safe.

And should i treat the other axie in the same tank? I havn't seen any fungus on her yet but they're both leucistic so it's hard to spot.
Only do a salt bath if there is defiantly fungus there, it tends to grow on the gills first.

You can try gently swabbing the fungus off whilst you are salt bathing, but when you cant see it on there any more, its gone, then do the salt baths for a couple of days to ensure its gone.
If your worried about fungus reoccurring, you can add some Indian almond leaves to their tank as they have anti fungal properties :D
Thanks! :) i'm sure it's fungus even if it's not on the gills. Like cotton things on her skin.

But great then i know how to do it :) but i shouldn't treat the other axie then? I mean they cuddle a lot so i guess the other one's gonna get it too :p that's why i thought i'd might treat the other one to.

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Do you resuse the salt water or discard it every bath. I know the declorinated water you do, but do you also throw away the salt water that was used or can you reuse it on the same axie?
Do you resuse the salt water or discard it every bath. I know the declorinated water you do, but do you also throw away the salt water that was used or can you reuse it on the same axie?

Don't reuse it. Throw it away. Make up a fresh salt bath each time.
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I have had this guy in fridge for 4 days amd started giving him salt water baths for 10 min per the tutorial as of yesterday. I do not remember being able to see the veins in his tail so clear. She had a fungus on her gills. Can you take a look at the picture and tell me if something is wrong or if it is just my imagination. I am concerned.

Thank you in advance for your comments.


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Veins will often be more prominent when an animal is being fridged, or is stressed from treatment. While those are noticeable, I wouldn't say they're alarming.
My axolotl is in a salt bath now and looks unhappy and gulping for breath is this normal? Im scared incase hes in pain please help..
Please help, I've been doing the salt bath every 12 hours for both my axolotls and the fungus seems to be getting worse, not better! The ones tail is now starting to curl too which I've read is a sure sign of stress :( they've been getting the salt bath with refrigeration for 3 days now
Start a thread in the Sick Axolotl? sub-forum and try to include some pictures and water parameter details. There you'll be able to get some more detailed help for your axolotl.
Perhaps I missed it as well, but can I get someone to tell me what a good salinity is for this salt bath? I read 2-3 tsp per litre, then I read stronger if it's bad, or I read maybe it's not strong enough, can I get a number that I can start out at? I have noticed that my 10" adult male had fungus on his gills and want to get on this... but I just am having trouble with these "guesstimate" numbers
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