How long can axolotls be out of the water for?


New member
Oct 13, 2014
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Big Island, HI
United States
Don't worry, I'm not asking this because I'm going to take my axie out of the tank.

I was wondering because a few weeks ago, I came home and I found my axolotl on my living room floor. He had jumped out of his tank. There was a wet/slimy spot on the ground just below his container (he was living in a large glass pyrex container for a little while when he was smaller) and I found him about a foot away from that spot (he had apparently wiggled his way around the carpet). I immediately put him back in his container and he was fine. I was out of the house for about 3 hours or so and I have no idea how long he was on the floor for. How long could he have lasted out of water? Because this accident really concerned me and I'm wondering if I made it in just the nick of time...

I also want to know if you guys know why axolotls jump out of their tanks sometimes. I've heard of other axies doing this, is it because they're unhappy? My boyfriend told me it's because he was trying to commit suicide... D: Let me know!

Axolotls aren't the smartest animals. They lived in a lake that was up to give feet deep or more so sometimes they rocket to the top in 12 inches of water and overshoot the distance. Sometimes they spook themselves up and out.
They can survive outside of the water for quite a bit as long as they are moist and don't dry out.
I lost one who jumped out - the bigger they are the better chance they have of recovering. A couple of hours shouldn't be too much of a problem. And it's a good idea to get a lid!
Thanks for your replies! I know they have tiny little lungs and gulp air sometimes so I figured they could last out of water for a while.
I had one of mine jump out too, I'm pretty sure he just got a fright somehow and swam so hard at the surface he dislodged the tank cover and landed on the floor! He was on the floor for about 5 minutes, I couldn't find him because he had squirmed all the way under the couch. Stress!
Safe to say I now have a super secure metal lid....
I had one of mine jump out too, I'm pretty sure he just got a fright somehow and swam so hard at the surface he dislodged the tank cover and landed on the floor! He was on the floor for about 5 minutes, I couldn't find him because he had squirmed all the way under the couch. Stress!
Safe to say I now have a super secure metal lid....

Aww, poor thing! Good thing you were able to find him!
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