Big tiny worm problem (Rhabdocoela)


Active member
Jul 17, 2010
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For months I thought I had an overdose of planaria in my tank. These worm things are still there in two of my tanks. But they're all over the place. MADNESS! Disturbing too. I can't take a good look in my tanks without getting irritated because of all the white squirmy things on the glass. Hideous!

I've used Flubenol. But it didn't work. When I took a closer look he worms looked different. This is not planaria. This is Rhabdocoela. I'm really sure about this. And they can't be killed with Flubenol. Which explains everything.

They're harmless. I know. But I really REALLY want to get rid of these nasties. My tanks look hideous, they're all over the glass. Sitting there and looking funny...

I don't overfeed my axies. I clean up poo and other leftovers immediately. I've probably infected my other tank with the ones in my main tank.

I can wipe them off the glass or siphon them out but it's not working.

Is there a treatment? Something to get rid of them? Axie save please.
Most harmless tank invaders boom and bust. Why not just let them run their cycle? People take such drastic action to get rid of harmless animals and do more harm than good. Salamanders don't live in pristine bottled water in the wild, why expect them to live like that in in your house? When you get invaders its a sign that you are replicating a healthy ecosystem, if somethings not broke don't fix it. Salamanders are cold, slimy, primordial things. They tend to hang out with other folks like them.
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