Hey all!
My newt tale begins 13 years ago when I was 10 years old. I inherited two small (4") firebelly newts from a kid up the street who was moving away. I loved them like children and was always glad to show off their colorful bellies to friends and family. A few years later, one of them passed away. My grandparents heard the news and decided to get me another newt to keep my now lonely one company. They brought me two new ones that the store had told them were firebelly newts. However, these looked different. They were bigger (6"), completely brown, and a bit....uglier than my original ones. No colorful bellies.
Within a week, I found my original newt in pieces in the tank. Within six months, the smaller of the two new ones had met a similar (presumably violent) demise.
I am now 23, graduated college, and finally getting my own place. This large, kinda ugly guy is still alive and kicking. (see attached picture) I am hoping to move him to a bigger tank and get him some company in my new place. These are my questions for you:
Is this really a firebelly newt, or do I have a different species?
Why did he kill the other two newts? Were they all male or something, or will he just kill anything?
Is it safe to add another creature to the tank? (frog, turtle, other newt?) If so, what?
I appreciate any advice you can give.
My newt tale begins 13 years ago when I was 10 years old. I inherited two small (4") firebelly newts from a kid up the street who was moving away. I loved them like children and was always glad to show off their colorful bellies to friends and family. A few years later, one of them passed away. My grandparents heard the news and decided to get me another newt to keep my now lonely one company. They brought me two new ones that the store had told them were firebelly newts. However, these looked different. They were bigger (6"), completely brown, and a bit....uglier than my original ones. No colorful bellies.
Within a week, I found my original newt in pieces in the tank. Within six months, the smaller of the two new ones had met a similar (presumably violent) demise.
I am now 23, graduated college, and finally getting my own place. This large, kinda ugly guy is still alive and kicking. (see attached picture) I am hoping to move him to a bigger tank and get him some company in my new place. These are my questions for you:
Is this really a firebelly newt, or do I have a different species?
Why did he kill the other two newts? Were they all male or something, or will he just kill anything?
Is it safe to add another creature to the tank? (frog, turtle, other newt?) If so, what?
I appreciate any advice you can give.