ATTENTION! Chat Events this weekend! Chat #1


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Nov 11, 2008
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Bellevue, Nebraska
United States
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Johnny O. Farnen
As a result of the recent polling thread on the same topic:

This Friday, 25 September 2009 @ 1930 to 2015 CST
(That is 7:30 to 8:15 Central US Time for you folks still using the archaic 12 hour time scheme;))

Experimental Chat Event #1
Topic: Axolotls- Breeding and Care Forum

Various experts from around the forums will be available to discuss all axolotl related questions. This is a good time to get those axolotl questions out there and get a quick reply.

As part of the experiment, the first half of the discussion will be limited to questions posted in this thread.

At least Ten Questions are needed for this to work. You may ask multiple questions in your post, however all may not be answered.

Attendance will help determine if we can continue events like this in the future, so please join us for what will be some very informative and entertaining Axolotl conversation!
Depending on the results from these experiments, I plan on doing events for both European time zone and Australian time zone members.

However, since I am awake when most folks in those areas are, If enough folks request it, I will gladly do events this weekend for them as well. As of yet, there just has not been enough interest shown from those areas to officially plan them yet.

To be honest, I still have reservations enough folks will show up for the times already scheduled...:p
And here is a starter question for you folks:

(This is one I have always wondered about...)

Since the albino gene was introduced to pet trade axolotls by hybridization with a tiger salamander, are pet trade axolotls actually axolotls?

Let's see what questions you folks have!
Ooh! I'll have to try to think of something. I believe I could actually be on at this time! And if I don't have any questions I'm still allowed to sit in and mooch off the knowledgey goodness, right? ;)

I'd even try to show up to the others (i.e. if a different time zone's was at midnight/1am here or something) if it was over the weekend as I'm somewhat of a night owl...if that ends up happening, I mean.
We need more questions folks!

Do not be afraid! If anything, you will get to see my horrible speed typing in action!
Yes! for the aussies! I want to know about importing and 'mailing' methods for axxies, if it's possible? Pros and cons, etc? quarantine? $$?
I've always been curious about the future of wild axolotl populations in Mexico...what issues they face, what is currently being done to help preserve the populations, etc....
I've always been curious about the future of wild axolotl populations in Mexico...what issues they face, what is currently being done to help preserve the populations, etc....

Great question, It will stimlate the coversation if we get people with an insight about it.
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