UPDATE on Mr Lister


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Oct 12, 2007
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United Kingdom
UPDATE on Mr Lister (morphed axy)


Well here he is looking BRILLIANT!!!!!




Hope you like it John :)
Lovely looking fellow. How's his personality? No one ever really talks about metamorphosed axolotl personality versus tiger salamander personality.
He is great! Really chilled out, will sit on your hand (as you can see by the phtoos) dont pivk him up often though. No need too. He wonders around his house, and lazes around,. When he wannts food he sits next to his bowl!! Then you feed him and he munches down foood!!! His fav are crickets and mealworms, and teh little catterpillar things that come with the crickets. He cannot catch crikets thoguh, they have to be dead, he obv has sight to find his bowl, but i dont think its that great.


p.s i had to clean him off for the pic, otherwise he looks like a ball of dirt!
Lovely looking fellow. How's his personality? No one ever really talks about metamorphosed axolotl personality versus tiger salamander personality.
p.s if you want, you can use on of those for your site now john, a little bettr than the one you had of me a while back, as he has now fully metermorphed, and is all chunky!
LoL i have a question you may find it prety stupid but...can an 'larvae form' axolotl breed with a morphed one?
the answer is... i have no idea!! would be brillaitn if there was a adult female near me, (metermprheD) but hay ho.
LoL i have a question you may find it prety stupid but...can an 'larvae form' axolotl breed with a morphed one?
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  • FragileCorpse:
    Hey everyone, just want a little advice. Its 55 - 60 celcius in my Salamanders tank. Hes curled up and tyring ti bury himself, Im assuming hes too cold. I was wondering if he would benefit from a heated rock cave (since he LOVES his cave) that I could set on low? I NEVER see him curled up and trying to bury himself unless his tank sits at 63 degrees celcius or lower. So I am assuming hes a little uncomfortable.
  • FragileCorpse:
    He also seems a little sluggish, again, assuming hes cold. Having heating trouble with the new house right now. What do we think? Was thinking of grabbing this for him since its got very low, medium, and higher medium heat settings that exude heat downward inside the rock cave but ALSO exudes it UPWARDS outside of the rock cave, effectively keeping the tank itself a little warm. Seems like it miiiight be a little small for him though, my guy is about 7 inches from tip of his nose tothe tip of his tail. What do we think? https://www.amazon.com/Reptile-Simulation-Adjustable-Temperature-Tortoise/dp/B0CH1DPGBC
  • FragileCorpse:
    I also asked this as an actual question in a thread in case anyone wants to answer it there instead of here
  • hhlarmore:
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  • FragileCorpse:
    Guess no one answers anything here, gonna have to make a post I gues
  • SkudulfXD:
    Hello!!! I'm new to this website and idk how to ask a proper question on the designated spot yet, so I'll ask here, I'm a first time Axolotl owner, and my dad used to run an aquarium store, anyways... Orca, my Axolotl, seems to loose parts of her toes on one limb from time to time, I can't seem to find the problem. Tempature is well, she doesn't seem to have any infections or anything, though. And I'm not sure if I'll be able to find a vet in Brazil for amphibians that are in a reasonable distance to drive without stressing Orca out too much
    SkudulfXD: Hello!!! I'm new to this website and idk how to ask a proper question on the designated spot... +1