I've got legs!!
I have spent a lot of time gazing at the axollittles with the magnifying glass wondering why they weren't developing their front legs...what was I doing wrong?, I have trundled through many sections on the site and in the end decided they just weren't going to have any..I can cope with mutant axolotl's , no problem!
However , this evening I fed them the brine shrimp, plus some wrigglers and the tiny tiny worm things from the main tank as usual, then I sat there studying them (once again, I hope they don't get a complex!!) , there was too much sport celebrations going on with the male members of my household, I then spotted a leg. Now I have determined that their front legs are completly transparent , cunningly disguised ammoungst the gills I can see over half have them . I am now down to 25 as I had a water change accident and lost most of one batch. Now I need to find the next food source ..