Question: New Ambystoma tigrinum


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Mar 21, 2009
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Teresa Rodríguez
Hey there, I'm now an owner of an Ambystoma Tigrinum or Tiger Salamander (21cm long).. well, I'm not sure about his type...
Im posting some pics for you to tell me the type and the sex if it is possible :rolleyes:

And one more question... it is still not a salamander, will he/she transform even the temperature or everything is OK to stay like this?





PS: his tank will be ready until tomorrow..

& sorry about my bad english:tongue:
Congrats on your new animal.
Even though it´s aquatic it is a salamander. It´s just a salamander in the larval fase.
It will morph, and become a fully terrestrial animal.

It´s not possible to sex it now because it´s still a larva, and it´s sexual organs are not yet developed.
It's definitely not an axolotl but the species of tiger is hard to guess. It's rather large for a tiger larva. Where did you get it? The answer to that question will probably let us answer what kind of tiger it is.
I got it from an aquarium here in Mexico City.. They call 'em here "Water Dog" but i thought it was a Tigrinum because the last time my bro bought one and it became one.. But yeah, this one is bigger :confused:

Thank you all for your answers :wacko:
Hmmmmmmm... Mexico, sure it's not a axolotl. lol.

We actually have many axolotes here and they are legal, but their environment is whats desapearing unfortunately... :sick:
It looks like Ambystoma andersoni to my eyes.
Wow actually they look very identical.. Thank you, is there any care sheet here for this specie or is it similar to tigrinums.... I just didnt find one...:confused:

Maybe a picture from the side will help: you might be able to tell if it's mature or not based on the cloaca. Might narrow it down. It doesn't really look like andersoni to me, but I could be wrong.
Wow actually they look very identical.. Thank you, is there any care sheet here for this specie or is it similar to tigrinums.... I just didnt find one...:confused:
They require the same care as axolotls.
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